مرحبا بكم في الموقع الرسمي لمدرسة الإسلام الأندلس باتام.
Andalusia Islamic School is an educational institution that integrates Islamic values with modern learning. We are committed to producing a generation that excels in morals, knowledge, and skills to face future challenges.
The Board Member of Yayasan Dhiyaul Haqq, Teachers, Administrators and Staff are here to provide effective support system and learning opportunities to make the learning of your children an enjoyable experience. Thus, the teachers, school personnel and parents will work collaboratively to prepare the children to explore, discover and study in order to acquire good academic foundation and skills that will prepare them for higher grades and that will make our children “life-long learners.”
We hope that at the end of the Elementary Program our graduates will become better children, responsive and enthusiastic towards learning.
Our Advantages
Integrated Curriculum: A combination of national and Islamic curriculum, complemented by learning the Qur’an and Arabic.
Tahfidz Al-Qur’an Program: Structured memorization of the Qur’an with the guidance of experienced teachers.
Modern Facilities: Comfortable classrooms, laboratories, digital libraries, and sports areas.
Islamic Environment: Instilling Islamic values in every learning activity and daily life.
Various Extracurricular Activities: Arts, sports, math and science, scouts, and other talent development programs.
Education Levels
We provide complete education levels:
Islamic Elementary School (SDI)
Integrated Islamic Junior High School (SMPIT)
Islamic Senior High School (SMAI)
“O believers! Be mindful of Allah and let every soul look to what ˹deeds˺ it has sent forth for tomorrow.1 And fear Allah, ˹for˺ certainly Allah is All-Aware of what you do.” (QS. Al Hasyr : 18)